Online Skincare Guide

There is some irony to me talking about skincare. Let’s just say that I have a face for radio. But in my latter years, I started to moisturise and I wonder what might have happened had I listened to my wife a decade ago. I could have been beautiful! Today, I am going to track through the various ailments that might affect your skin. After all, it isn’t too late for you! You could still be beautiful unlike your old friend Floyd! Fair warning, this gets a little bit full on further down. If you have some kind of trauma with regards to burns, there might be a few triggering moments.

  • Acne

Some people mistakenly believe the acne is just for teenagers. But like angst and alternative rock, acne can afflict people of all ages. It is one of those things you know when you see it, but you might not actually know what it is. Essentially, your skin is covered in little holes called pores which regulate what goes in and out of your body. Occasionally, one of these little holes becomes blocked with excess oil and dead skin cells, and it develops a little inflamed mound. It usually happens on your face, back, neck and shoulders because your skin has the most oil glands in this area. You can trigger or exacerbate an outbreak by:

  • Stressing: While this will never cause acne per se, it can make an outbreak worse
  • Having a specific diet: Food rich in carbs can also worsen an outbreak
  • Taking specific meds: Anything involving lithium, testosterone or corticosteroids can cause a flare up
  • Having a hormonal change: You know, like puberty. Right when you’re at your most insecure anyway. Life can be cruel…

There are various things you can do to minimise the impact of acne. Keeping your face well washed helps, but you must make sure that you don’t dry it out too much, as this can make it worse. Consider taking a zinc supplement, or applying apple cider vinegar topically. Some cases of acne will require medical intervention, and you would need to see a health professional before venturing any further.

  • Rashes

Sometimes rashes crop up and we have no idea how it got there. Perhaps we brushed a certain type of plant, sat on a caterpillar or worse some clothes that rubbed us the wrong way (I have encountered all of these scenarios in the past). Let’s take a look at two common culprits.

  • Dermatitis

This will leave you with itchiness, dry or flaky skin, and/or blisters. Not so good. Mostly, it isn’t contagious, but it can leave you feeling a little bit like the proverbial leper. I will often recommend Dermaid Cream to customers who shuffle in with a rash. Dermaid Cream contains the active ingredient hydrocortisone which offers relief from the swelling, and itchiness of a rash. Best of all, you can use Dermaid Cream if you have sensitive skin because it contains moisturisers to leave you feeling comfortable straight away.

  • Excema 

This will often look quite similar to general dermatitis, but it tends to be something that stays with a person as they grow up. The jury is still out on why some people develop eczema and others don’t. The current wisdom is that it could be from an overactive immune system (somewhat similar to an allergic reaction). Some studies are beginning to show that people who have eczema don’t produce enough of a certain protein called filaggrin which helps your skin stay moisturised. If you are constantly suffering from a rash, you might want to look at whether you are coming into contact with aggressive chemicals, scented products, cigarettes, wool, synthetic fabric, sweat or animal dander. Once you have eliminated these culprits, you will need to get help from a dermatologist

  • Burns

You probably won’t need help diagnosing a burn, as (mostly) you remember the moment quite keenly. A first degree burn is one that hits only the first layer of your skin. Most incidents in your life are probably first degree, and they don’t require any medical intervention. You can place a cool compress over the burn site for five to 15 minutes to soothe the burn. Don’t go too cold, or you might find yourself aggravating the burn instead.

Second degree burns are often called partial thickness burns because they involve the epidermis (your outer layer) and part of the dermis (inner layer). You can differentiate a first degree from a second degree by the size of the blisters, the deep redness, and the fact that the burn may go white after some time. It could also appear wet and shiny. This can take three weeks to heal, and in that time will be a major source of inconvenience. This kind of burn requires medical intervention. In the meantime, you can gently apply cool water or a cold compress. But you must ensure that you don’t break any blisters as this can cause infection

Third degree burns are often called full thickness burns because they destroy the epidermis AND the dermis. It has burnt its way down to the muscles, organs and tendons. There is often no real sensation in the area as all of the nerve endings have been destroyed, and it will develop a white sheen. This is a medical emergency. You need to protect the burn area to make sure they don’t pick up any infections now that they have lost their skin. You will probably find that they are going into shock, and you should direct all of your efforts to treat this.

I realise things got pretty full on. I only bring it up because I have known people who have suffered serious skin conditions, and even though it has no impact on their individuality, their worth, intellect or all round value, they thought it did. Nothing I said could convince them otherwise. Since then, it became important to me to help people keep their skin healthy and safe. 


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